Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good ideas and information. That's called doing your homework.

Integrated Science: Skills

XIII. Skills

A. Observation – the use of 5 senses; observe processes before, during and after
1. Qualitatively – based on the characteristics
2. Quantitatively – use measuring instruments

B. Classification – group things according to specific characteristics and observable properties; is done according to purpose
1. Binary classification – yes-no classifying
2. Multi-stage classification – further classifying until it is only one classified element left; unique description
3. Serial ordering – arranging based on characteristics

C. Constructing Graphs

D. Communication
1. Effective Communication
a. clear
b. concise
c. unambiguous
d. uses skills which need to be developed and practiced
e. describe what is observed not felt
f. objective descriptions
g. brief, precise and accurate language

2. Why we communicate:
a. describing of objects
b. giving or following directions
c. when using maps

3. When describing:
a. describe what is observed not felt
b. brief, precise, accurate language
c. consider the point of view of others
d. find means to get feedback
e. find alternatives of describing

E. Inferences – statements made through observation; interpretations based on observations; ipinionated
Factors that influence an inference:
1. observed things or events
2. preconceived idea of the interpreter
3. background of the interpreter
F. Identifying Variables – variables are things that may change in a situation
3. Manipulate – independent variable; deliberate
4. Responding – dependent variable; consequence of another event
5. Controlled – may change but shouldn’t be changed and should be get a constant

G. Operational Definition – you must tell HOW to measure a certain variable
Ex. The amount of pollution produced by cars was measure for cars using gasoline containing different amounts of lead.
MV – amount of lead – measure amount of gas (containing lead) consumed per day
RV – amount of pollution – intensity of gray color in bond paper with petroleum jelly
CV – amount of lead – lead per liter of gas


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