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1. During the Spanish Colony: Encomienda System 
2. Under American Colony.
3. Under Japanese Imperialist.
4. Modern day slavery.


What is the encomienda system?

Why is the encomienda system so important?

The encomienda system allowed for a vast accumulation of wealth by the conquistadors and the Spanish crown. They benefited from the discovery of gold and silver in the New World, and the mining of those metals by their laborers. The system resulted in the widespread abuse of indigenous peoples, as well as the theft of their land. Since a person of mixed Native and Spanish ancestry could not be entered into the encomienda system, some of the indigenous started to intermarry with Europeans so as to save their families from a life of forced labor. This practice, along with the forced conversions to Catholicism, resulted in the dilution of tribal identity and culture throughout the Americas.

The encomienda system was also the first racially-based system of slavery in the New World, and can be seen as a precursor to the African slave trade that eventually replaced it. Read more slavery slavery in the philippines slavery 0 slavery 1450 to 1750 slavery 1619 slavery 1776 slavery 17th century slavery 1800s slavery 1808 slavery 1820 slavery 1850 slavery 1865 slavery 1900 slavery africa slavery amendment slavery and abolition slavery and abolition slavery and capitalism slavery and egypt slavery and forced labour slavery and involuntary servitude slavery and peonage slavery and serfdom was abolished in the 1860s in slavery and slave trade slavery and social death slavery and the 8 veils slavery and the civil war slavery and the constitution slavery and the making of america slavery antonym slavery are incompatible meaning slavery are there slavery articles slavery beginning slavery cartoon slavery cases slavery chains slavery civil war slavery clause slavery clipart slavery compromise slavery connotations slavery contract slavery contract in korea slavery database slavery dates slavery day slavery dbq slavery debate slavery definition slavery definition tagalog slavery definition us history slavery documentary slavery drawing slavery emancipation slavery ended

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