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Integrated Science:: Earth’s Biomes

XI. Earth’s Biomes – major type of ecosystem; determined by climate; has altitude and latitude, supply of water and sunlight





Coniferous Forest

Temperate Deciduous Forest

Tropical Rainforest


Circles under arctic ocean and all around the north pole

Africa, North America, Central Asia, South America, Neat Coast Australia

Western North America, West Coast of S.A., Western Asia, Central Australia

Canada, Europe, Japan, China, Australia

South America, SE Asia, Central America, Africa


Short summer days and short periods of winter sunlight; yearly temperatures less than -5 degrees

Dry season where insufficient water exists to support forests

Extreme heat during the day and extreme cold at night

Long cold and dry winter (sunlight of 6-8 hours a day) short summer; mild to warm temp. (sun shines for 19 hours a day); 10 degrees summer – 40 degrees winter

Four season (winter, spring, summer and fall)

Normally warm and relatively constant temperature (about 25 degrees) high humidity


Less than 25 cm of annual rain and snow fall

25-26 cm annual rainfall

Less than 25 cm annual rainfall

25-100 cm annual rainfall

At least 75 cm

At least 200 cm of annual rainfall (with daily rains)

Growing Season

Brief spring and summer (which last a total of three months)

Short growing season

Depends on precipitation levels

Brief summer



Rate of Decomposition

Slow due to cold climate

Rapid due to warm and moist conditions; forest floor is rich in nutrients; floor is covered with plants and animals; pollination is dependent on insects

Rapid recycling of nutrients; much of the nutrients is stored in biomass (large trees); soil is poor in nutrients

Dominant Vegetation

Lichens, dwarf shrubs, mosses, sedges

Grasses, cereal grains


Conifers – cone-bearing trees; spruce, fir, pine, birch, aspen, redwood trees

Deciduous – shed leaves in winter, grow new ones in spring, stay green in summer and drop leaves in fall

Varied, green year-round

Examples (trees and plants)

Dwarf willows, grasses, dwarf shrubs, mosses, sedges

Thistle, sunflower, blazing stars, buffalo grass, wheat grass, bluegrass, needle grass

Aloe, saguaro cactus, sagebrush, preakly pear, creosote bush, Palo Verde

Spruces, pine, fir, redwood

Oak, maple, beech, birch, hickory, poplar, aspen, sycamore, maple, elm

Lianas (large woody vines) balsa, teakwood, epiphytes

Examples (birds)

Ducks, geese, sandpipers, snowy owl, plover, ptarmigans, arctic tern

Titmouse, woodpecker, hawk

Desert bird

Warbler, gray jay, crossbill, great horned owls, spruce grouse, chickadees, siskin, woodpeckers, warblers

Ruffled grouse, blue jay, mallard ducks, woodpecker, warblers, grouse

Eagle, toucan, parrots

Examples (animals)

Caribou, wolves, musk, oxen, lemmings, fox, polar bear, hares

Buffaloes, antelopes, lion, prairie dogs, bison, rodents, ground squirrels, coyotes, wolves, snakes, badgers, bobcat

Lizards, kangaroos, rats, gecko, scorpions

Moose, lynx, beaver, weasel, caribou, wolves, squirrel,, grizzlies, moose, chipmunks, bobcat, shrews

Coyote, fox, salamander, badger, weasel, raccoon, deer, squirrels, bear, bobcat

Tapir, boa constrictor, jaguar, tamandua

Unique Features/Key Words/ Adaptation

Permafrost, carpet-like vegetation, midnight sun, during summer, Finnish word: barren land, found at mountain slopes and near the poles

Grasses with complex network of grass roots, wildfire helps renew the vegetation, herbivores are grazers and browsers, has the largest number of herbivores, savannas – grasslands with scattered or few trees because of low and erratic precipitation

Extreme temperature, burning hot during day time, freezing cold at night, driest biome on earth

Waxy needle-like leaves; low plant diversity due to harsh winter conditions and acidic soil or poor nutrient soil

Usually dominated by 2 – 3 species of trees; mild and moderate climate

Greatest plant and animal diversity; broadleaf evergreen trees, canopy; 200 cm rainfall


With taiga: animals – caribou, ptarmigan, snowy owl

Chaparrals – found a t the edges of deserts, Savannas found in Africa


1 comment:

  1. Appreciate the recommendation. Let me try it out.
