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Showing posts with label Tools of communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tools of communication. Show all posts

Tools of Communication

Advances in Communication Technology
Image source: halgan.net
 The television is an electronic system of transmitting images and sounds by means of electronic signals sent through wires and optical fibers

Advances in Communication Technology
Image Source: http: herculodge.typepad.com

Radio uses sound effects to stimulate the listener’s own images of people and places. The radio was invented in 1906, and for a time it remained primarily as a communication medium. It was devoted to sending and receiving messages especially during the world wars. As it developed it was utilized for two types of service—entertainment and communication. After the war, radio broadcasting started.
Advances in Communication Technology
Image source: http: www.binbin.net
The telephone is an instrument that sends and receives voice messages and data. Telephones convert speech and data to electrical energy which is sent through great distances. A cellular telephone is designed to give the user maximum freedom of movement while using the phone.
Advances in Communication Technology
Image source: abeservices.net
Fax machine
 Fax stands for facsimile transmission or reproduction. The fax machine therefore is a system or apparatus for reproducing graphic material over a distance. A document is scanned by a fax machine and its reproduction is produced in the receiving fax machine.

Advances in Communication Technology
Image source: easycableinternet.com
The Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks. A computer network is two or more computers connected to each other. Look at the picture on the right. It shows a computer network. The lines indicate that the computer are linked to each other. The Internet connects millions of computers to each other.

What is Technology? 
What is communication technology?
Tools of Communication

Reference: English Learning Strand Module 2: Advances in Communication Technology. Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS), Department of Education, Pasig City.